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If you have any questions you can ask me through this email address:, I will reply you as soon as possible I can. 

Since this can get a bit tricky, here are some tips that should help establish communication between you and your site visitors.
  • Make Sure it’s Functional: We know this is obvious, but take the time to double-check everything on the page. Having links that are broken or won’t send properly is just bad for business. If the email or phone number links are not functional, how can people communicate with you? That kind of defeats the purpose of the contact page.
  • It Should Look Great: Visuals are a big part of your website design. The contact page may not sound the most interesting, but don’t neglect its appearance. If you have a poorly designed page, people won’t be interested in establishing further relations.
  • Well-Written Copy: Attract and maintain visitors with language that is action and value oriented; meaning it includes a call to action and how visitors will benefit from you or your brand. This will help you set up further communication. Furthermore, keep the page short and to the point. People don’t want to spend a lot of time filling out forms.
  • It Should Be Responsive: We’ve mentioned the importance of responsive design several times now, and this is no exception. Since most of the web has gone mobile, make sure your contact page works on all mobile devices. Plus, it makes life easier if you have a physical location since people can access a map on the contact page and locate your place of business from their phones.

Text field

Both text and text* are used for single-line input and accept any form of text. The difference between them is that text* connotes a required field. In Contact Form 7’s convention, all types of tags with an asterisk ‘*’ mean that these are required fields.
Available options for text and text*
Your Name (required)
[text* your-name size:30 maxlength:60]

Your Email (required)
[email* your-email ""]

Your Message
[textarea your-message]
default value for a textarea
can be multi-line
like this

[submit "Send"]
Contact Contact Reviewed by MATHSUPPORTER on May 10, 2018 Rating: 5

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