
Helloooo, I am the developer of mathsupporter.blogspot.com . My goal to create this blog is to help all students who study in mathematics by downloading the books from my blog here to read. Please don't just use smart phone, tablet or computer for gaming, facebooking or instagram, you all also can use it to improve your studying also even in mathematics. All the books that I uploaded here are free for you but some are illegal and some are not. I downloaded some books from the others website then I post it in my blog so that you all can find it easily. Fighting for your study!!!

  • First publication paper in 2012          : Lattice Point (​you can download here for read)
  • Second publication paper in 2016     : Remarks on the Existence and Uniqueness Theories of ODEs

When you see nothing but text, you get bored and probably think, “I don’t want to read all of that!” I think it’s important to show who you are visually – whether it be through bigger, more unique text or an interesting photo of you. I love this about me page because of the clear headline, sub-headline, picture, and my favorite part – the “that’s me” with the arrow. Yes, you’re probably looking at websites for professional business, not personal reasons. Still, it’s nice to see glimpses into people’s personal lives. I’m not just choosing Brandon Gaille’s about page because I’m a student of his, but because I really like his approach.
About About Reviewed by MATHSUPPORTER on May 10, 2018 Rating: 5

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