
Famous As: Philosopher
Nationality: Greek
Born: 06/24
Died At Age: 78
Died On: 546 BC

This man, better known as Thales of Miletus, was an ancient Greek philosopher, mathematician, astronomer and businessman, born in the seventh century BCE in the area now known as Asia Minor. Recognized as one of the Seven Sages of Greece, his main contribution lies in trying to provide scientific explanation behind worldly phenomenon that had been hitherto explained by mythological beliefs. For this, Aristotle had called him the first philosopher in Greek tradition. Unfortunately, neither his works nor any contemporary source has survived. Available information about this pre-Socratic philosopher comes mainly from the writings of Greek historian Diogenes Laërtius, who flourished in the 3rd century AD and had quoted Apollodorus of Athens, who lived around 140 BCE. Because of the time gap, it is very difficult to assess his works or give any personal details about him. Indeed, modern scholars have now started casting doubts on numerous acts and sayings that had been attributed to Thales. All said and done, there is no doubt that Thales was a multi-dimension figure, much revered in his own time and thereafter.
Thales Thales Reviewed by MATHSUPPORTER on December 12, 2017 Rating: 5

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