My Students

Dear my students,
I made this page is for all of you. I will post some review exercise, result of examinations or some project here. Please always check this page for the new information and new updating. See you~~


Comprehension is a complex process that has been understood and explained in a number of ways. The RAND Reading Study Group (2002) stated that comprehension is “the process of simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning through interaction and involvement with written language” (p. 11). Duke (2003) added “navigation” and “critique” to her definition because she believed that readers actually move through the text, finding their way, evaluating the accuracy of the text to see if it fits their personal agenda, and finally arriving at a self-selected location. A common definition for teachers might be that comprehension is a process in which readers construct meaning by interacting with text through the combination of prior knowledge and previous experience, information in the text, and the stance the reader takes in relationship to the text.

Here are the review exercise, challenge exercise and the result of the exam of my students at WIS (10E , 10F , 10G , 10H , 12E) and WU(Year II, 2nd Semester)!

Review For SemesterI Final Exam (2017-2018)-G10

Review For SemesterI Final Exam (2017-2018)-G12
There are 6 chapters will appear in the final exam of semester I

Chapter 1: Complex Number
Chapter 2: Limits
Chapter 3: Continuity
Chapter 4: Differentiation
Chapter 5: Curve Sketching
Chapter 7: Geometry in space, Vectors

The result of Monthly-Test and Semester Exam will post here
December Monthly-Test for G10

Chapter 3 
Section 3 and Section 4

[10 E, 10F, 10G monthly-test on staturday (16/12/2017)]
[10H monthly-test on Monday (18/12/2017)]


December Monthly-Test for G12

Chapter 4 (Derivative)

Whole Chapter 4

[12E monthly-test on Monday (18/12/2017)]


Application of Differential Equations in real life
(Project Math Fair for G12)

For 12E
Click here for full download National Exam 2007-2017 (Derivative)

Click here for full download Limit National Exam PDF

Click here for full download Complex National Exam PDF
My Students My Students Reviewed by MATHSUPPORTER on May 10, 2018 Rating: 5

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